Wednesday, 19 May 2010

Manchester, Wantastiquet and Chester Rotary Clubs - Monday 10th May til Wednesday 12th May 2010

During our stay in the area David Hoopes became our guide and driver and provided the group with lots of entertainment. Instead of staying with host families we stayed in the cosy Colonial Inn with Jeff and Kim Seymour’s country cuisine seasoned with old fashioned home style hospitality. We visited lots of local sights including Hildene (The Lincoln Family Home), Burr and Burton Academy and Stratton, Okemo and Jackson Gore Ski Resorts which have caused Hayley and Abi to reconsider their normal ski destination to the French Alps! The team found themselves hiking in the mountains which highlighted the beauty of the area.

Vocational visits were also arranged. Richard met a conflict resolution and mediation specialist named Peter. This was great for him, as they discussed the subject of violence risk reduction and made comparisons between things in the UK and US. They also discussed the market for conflict resolution training and Peter suggested education and healthcare should be top of Maybo’s list because they are less affected by the recession and conflict resolution is becoming an increasing priority for them. Abi and Ruth met Dolores, a Dr who works with a Social Worker at a Neighbourood Community Centre. She was a fountain of local knowledge and was able to utilize a lot of local resources to meet individual patients and families needs. She is hoping to establish a breast screening programme locally.

Charlotte’s visit; I visited The Mountain School which is a small, independent school that has approx 60 pupils. I also had a tour of Flood Brook Union School and met with staff from an organisation called "Collaborate" that has its office on the school site. It is a non-profit organisation that runs a variety of programmes to encourage children to stay away from alcohol and substance misuse. They also run a mentoring scheme and an after school programme. It has great links with the school and local community and does some great work. Thank you to Malcolm Hamblett for introducing me to Collaborate and for being my tour guide for the afternoon!

The team also got a chance to meet the extrovert Dr Roger Fox who is an ex-pat working at the Mountain Valley Medical Centre.

During our stay we attended a lunch time meeting with the Manchester Club and two breakfast meetings at the Wantastiquet and Chester Clubs. Despite all the breakfast meetings we’ve done the early starts don’t seem to get any easier! Thank you to everyone who drove, hosted and organised our stay in the area.

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